Enhancing Food Safety through your Cleaning Program

Each year, we celebrate National Food Safety Month in September to reflect on how food safety impacts our everyday lives and discover best practices for preventing food poisoning. Without cleanliness, food safety is impossible to maintain in our homes and commercial facilities like restaurants, schools, hospitals and offices with corporate cafeterias. Read on to learn about the burden of foodborne illness and strategies for limiting their occurrence.

Taking a Bite Out of Foodborne Illness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 6 Americans fall ill, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die annually because of contaminated food. There are numerous ways that food can be tainted. For instance, some of the ingredients may be past their expiration date or the food may not have been stored at the proper temperature. Additionally, soiled surfaces, like counters and cutting boards, can cross-contaminate food products. Even after food is prepared or cooked, it can be contaminated by dirty hands.

Cleanliness and hygiene play a critical role in curbing the incidence of foodborne illness. Facility managers and their teams are instrumental in keeping facilities clean and encouraging proper behaviors among building occupants and visitors.

Four Tips for Food Safety

Avoid food safety fails by following these cleanliness best practices:

Strategically place hand hygiene solutions.

Dirty hands spread germs, so giving people the chance to keep their hands clean is critical. Have hand soap dispensers stocked and easily accessible in food preparation areas like kitchens. Ensure soap and hand sanitizer are available in restrooms, as people often use them before or during dining. In areas where food is consumed, like cafeterias, break rooms and meeting rooms, place hand sanitizer dispensers where people will notice and use them. Whether you opt for wall-mounted or floor stand dispensers, consider automated versions to limit contact and the spread of germs.

Address high-touch surfaces.

In areas where many people gather to eat together, such as dining halls and cafeterias, there’s an increased risk that germs will build up over time. This is accelerated when people do not have clean hands and come in contact with shared objects. High-touch items in these environments can include napkin and condiment dispensers, food trays, counters, tables, chairs, and benches. Cleaning professionals should first clean surfaces and then disinfect them to address remaining pathogens. Be sure that your disinfectant has been proven effective against pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella and Norovirus so you can be confident that it addresses foodborne illness culprits. Meanwhile, cleaning top to bottom is an essential method for keeping recently addressed surfaces clean.

Use color-coding.

Too often, pathogens from restrooms or kitchens make their way to other areas of a building simply through the process of cleaning. How does this happen? Using the same equipment, like mops and microfiber cloths, to address both spaces can quickly transfer germs. Cleaning professionals should have duplicates of their tools to avoid this cross-contamination. A color-coded system makes it easy to designate one set for restrooms, one for food preparation areas and another for dining areas. Folding and replenishing microfiber cloths once they’ve trapped dirt, dust, and moisture keeps soils from spreading onto other surfaces.

Keep floors clean.

Floors are typically exposed to higher levels of dirt since they are heavily trafficked. Commercial floor care equipment like scrubbers and sweepers helps maintain the appearance of floors by removing soils and debris and rinsing them with chemicals. Not only do clean floors support food safety by elevating overall cleanliness, they also send the right message to visitors. Dirty floors can signal a lack of attention to health and safety. Meanwhile, clean floors demonstrate that a facility cares about its guests and that this level of care extends to its food safety promise.

The Benefits of Clean Eating

A commitment to cleanliness in your facility keeps pathogens from spreading onto high-touch surfaces like desks and tables; door handles and elevator buttons, vending machines and more. Fewer germs leave fewer opportunities for foodborne illnesses to occur. In office settings, reducing food poisoning absences helps maintain productivity and morale, while in schools, it ensures that teachers and students are always ready for their lessons. Prioritizing cleanliness from the start can also help facilities avoid costly cleanings that typically take place after a widespread foodborne illness outbreak. Overall, a focus on food safety benefits everyone, from facility managers to building occupants to visitors.

Cleanliness and food safety are a perfect pairing. Our use of safe, sustainable cleaning and disinfecting solutions is ideal for every facility. Contact GSF USA to learn more, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more best practices.

People Make the Difference at GSF USA

At GSF USA, our people are the driving force behind cleanliness at our customers’ facilities. Whether they are day porters, supervisors, branch or area managers, or work in our offices, they are responsible for upholding our high standards and maintaining customer satisfaction.  

Some of our cleaning professionals are maintaining schools to keep children, teachers, administrators and visitors safe. Others are diligently cleaning and disinfecting commercial office buildings so employees can feel more confident while at work. And still others are overseeing cleanliness in medical offices and hospitals where health is paramount.  

This quarter, we are celebrating 10 more milestone anniversaries among our team. Some employees have hit the five-year mark, others are achieving 15 years and one long-time team member is noting a silver anniversary for 25 years of service with GSF.  

Congratulations and thank you to our loyal employees at GSF USA!  

25th Anniversary  

  • Gabriel B., GSF Illinois 

15th Anniversaries  

  • Cesar A., GSF Indiana 
  • Jose D., GSF Indiana  

5th Anniversaries  

  • Daisy C., GSF Illinois 
  • Dulce Z., GSF Indiana 
  • Juan P., GSF Indiana 
  • Roiel O., GSF Ohio 
  • George P., GSF Illinois 
  • Rosario S., GSF Illinois 
  • Wendy I., GSF Illinois  

The Future of Floor Care

What has a brain but runs on wheels rather than legs? If you guessed a robot, you’re right! Many people are familiar with at-home robotic vacuums that sweep up soils and debris. In commercial settings, robots are also an asset. These autonomous floor care machines offer maintenance for both hard and soft flooring. Robotic floor scrubbers can tackle tile and wood floors, while self-guided vacuums can address carpet and other types of flooring.

Advanced equipment like this offers numerous advantages and a clear return on investment. With an increasing number of facilities utilizing robots for floor care, it’s important that managers and their teams understand how to properly integrate machines with employees.

How Autonomous Machines Support Employees

One of the main concerns around the increasing use of autonomous technologies is that they will replace the need for humans in the workplace. It is certainly not the case with robotic floor care and the cleaning industry. Robots still need some supervision by employees, who set these machines into place and start them on their floor care routes each day. For this reason, they are often referred to as collaborative robots or cobots. Cleaning professionals are instrumental for the successful operation of cobots and for completing other high-value tasks like disinfecting surfaces and addressing maintenance issues.

Robotic machines take away the majority of the repetitive motions and strain associated with floor care. They’re always ready for their tasks and diligently perform cleaning according to a pre-determined route, making sure to address all areas of importance. Robots are also incredibly productive and can help facilities reduce the chemical and water they use to clean floors. And lastly, one of the best advantages is that they deliver consistent results every time they operate. While the best employees can expertly perform manual floor care, automating this task can ensure floors always look clean.

Recommendations for Working with Floor Care Robots

Review the below tips for successfully implementing new floor care equipment and technologies in your facility:

  1. Evaluate where the cobots will be used. Does your facility have lots of square footage that includes open spaces like hallways, lobbies, gymnasiums and mezzanines? If so, robotic equipment may be a good fit. Before investing in new machines, determine where the cobots will be used and stored. This will require you to shift the daily duties of your team, as they won’t need to dedicate as much time to floor care once the cobots are on site. If you have a strategic plan for where and when the equipment will run, you will be more likely to use it regularly and recoup your initial investment more quickly.
  1. Conduct training with employees. Training is crucial for achieving the results you desire. It’s likely that many of your custodians have not yet worked alongside cobots. They must understand the responsibilities of the machine, as well as how to operate it, maintain it and respond to its status notifications. While the equipment won’t need much supervision, it will need to be powered on and set up in the space where cleaning will occur. Autonomous floor care equipment has mapping capabilities and allows employees to select specific routes depending on the floor and area. Conduct hands-on training so employees can interact with the cobots and how to address alerts during a route or after the cobot has completed cleaning.
  1. Think big when it comes to sustainability. Robotic floor scrubbers can significantly reduce chemical and water use, thereby saving facilities money and reducing environmental impact. But facility managers can go one step further regarding sustainability. Consider selecting machines that produce an effective cleaning chemical onboard, known as ec-H2O™ Technology. This approach transforms tap water into a safe and sustainable cleaning solution that removes soils without leaving a chemical residue behind that can damage floors or require extra cleaning. According to a third-party study by EcoForm, ec-H2O supports green cleaning operations in seven categories: energy, CO2 emissions, ozone, smog, acid, eutrophication and particulates.
  1. Carefully maintain your machines. Properly maintaining your robotic assets is essential for prolonging their lifespan and increasing ROI. Store equipment in a secure area of the building so that unauthorized personnel do not have access to it during after hours. Additionally, charge the machines regularly so they are always ready for use and can perform their intended routes. If the equipment requires new parts or troubleshooting, make these adjustments as soon as possible so the machine remains in good working order.

The Future of Floor Care

If you’re aiming for picture-worthy floors, you have to regularly address surface soils and keep the finish or carpet fibers in the best shape possible. Today, many innovative solutions can help cleaning professionals simplify their daily floor maintenance tasks. The use of robotic equipment is on the rise because it enhances productivity, ensures consistency and promotes customer satisfaction. By following the above best practices, organizations can successfully integrate robotic solutions into their workforce alongside hardworking custodial employees.

Are you looking for a cleaning service provider that can keep your floors clean and shining? Contact GSF USA to learn how we implement the latest technologies for floor care, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for the latest updates.

Four Disinfecting Considerations for your Building

During the COVID-19 pandemic, facility managers have had to determine how best to disinfect the buildings they oversee. Some facilities remained open to the public and required frequent cleaning and disinfecting to address pathogens and instill confidence among the public. While many buildings closed temporarily, like office buildings, sports stadiums and convention centers, facility managers must have a plan for disinfecting as these facilities reopen for returning workers and scheduled events. Our considerations for disinfecting help facility managers identify solutions that meet their employees’ and visitors’ needs and enable more effective and efficient disinfection.  

Disinfecting’s Role in Health and Safety 

Cleaning is a necessary step for maintaining appearance in buildings because it helps remove soils from surfaces. Meanwhile, disinfecting is a method for maintaining health and safety. Disinfecting takes place after cleaning is complete. The process kills bacteria and fungi and inactivates viruses that can be transferred to people and make them ill. Some pathogens can live for hours or even days on surfaces like desks, phones, shopping carts, elevator buttons and more.  

Regular disinfecting plays an essential role in upholding public health during a pandemic and even under normal conditions. In fact, disinfecting is frequently key to minimizing the scope and severity of outbreaks. The proper application significantly reduces the spread of germs that can cause SARS-CoV-2, influenza, norovirus, MRSA and other conditions. There are many different disinfecting solutions on the market, and different ways to apply these products. This can make facility managers’ roles even more complex.   

Key Questions around Disinfecting Your Building

There are certain disinfecting considerations that every facility manager should review to maintain the safest buildings possible, including: 

  • Is your disinfectant safe?  There’s a reason this consideration is listed first. It’s the most important because many new products and application methods have emerged and gained popularity during the pandemic. Your disinfectant must be safe for your employees, your surfaces, your environment and your facility’s visitors.  Look for a solution that will not irritate eyes and skin, especially since employees will regularly use this disinfectant. The chances are that if the disinfectant is safe for cleaning professionals, it will be safe for those entering your building. The best disinfectants don’t leave residues behind that can damage surfaces or fragrances and fumes in the air that aggravate conditions like asthma and allergies. Safe disinfectants support good indoor air quality (IAQ) and public health. Those made from water, salt and electricity, referred to as electrochemically-activated solutions (ECAS), are not only safe for people, they are safe for the planet.  
  • Do employees know how to apply your disinfectant properly? Having the right products is critical, but so is using them correctly. When selecting a disinfectant and any non-traditional application equipment, like electrostatic sprayers rather than spray bottles, make sure that it will be easy to train employees to use these solutions. Employees will need to follow the manufacturer’s dwell time, or the time that the surface remains wet with the solution. Employees may also need to wipe the surface after the disinfectant is applied. In some cases, disinfectant will need to be applied more than once to keep the surface wet for the required dwell time. Adhering to these best practices ensures that the disinfectant can achieve its kill claims.  
  • What is the expiration date of your disinfectant?  Products work best if they are used ahead of their expiration date. This will vary depending on the type of solution you are using. For example, ECAS are most potent in the first thirty days. For this reason, building service contractors typically install an on-site generator in the facility to create disinfectant on demand. While it’s likely that your employees will be regularly disinfecting and won’t be keeping products on the shelf for too long, some facilities have stockpiled disinfectants to avoid shortages that occurred early on in the pandemic. Always use a disinfectant that is closest to expiration before using newly purchased solutions. Consider organizing spray bottles in your janitorial closet so the products nearest to expiration are at the front and easily accessible.    
  • What is the anticipated frequency of disinfecting in your facility?  The frequency of disinfecting is likely to fluctuate over time, given that cases of COVID-19 are declining in many areas, and winter typically brings an increased number of cases of cold and flu. Create a schedule based on factors like building occupancy figures, the number of days per week people will have access to the facility and the likelihood of illness transmission. This is typically higher in places like schools and healthcare facilities. Notify staff of their responsibilities and roles related to disinfecting and make them aware of changes in disinfecting frequency as soon as possible.  

The Do’s and Don’ts of Disinfecting Your Building

When it comes to disinfecting, following best practices can lead to better results for your facility, cleaning staff and guests. Providing employees with safe, sustainable solutions is of the utmost importance. Equally crucial is training these cleaning professionals to correctly apply disinfectants, as products are the most effective when employees follow the manufacturer’s instructions. While different buildings will take different approaches to disinfecting based on foot traffic, cleaning schedules and other factors, it is necessary that facility managers have a clear plan in place for cleaning and disinfecting over the long term. 

Don’t leave disinfecting to those who aren’t skilled to do it properly. At GSF USA, we have decades of experience cleaning and disinfecting. Contact us to learn more, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for the latest company news. 

Ensuring Student Well-being through Sustainable Cleaning at Saint Clement School

The Challenge 

Saint Clement School is a private Catholic institution in Chicago serving approximately 300 students from pre-school through eighth grade. As the COVID-19 outbreak intensified, Saint Clement began using higher volumes of cleaning and disinfecting solutions to ensure they were creating a safe and healthy environment for students. The school also deployed electrostatic sprayers to disinfect classrooms each evening, stretching its supply of cleaner and disinfectant to the limit.  

To meet new cleaning demands and take the best possible care of its students, Saint Clement needed a different approach that allowed for more frequent cleaning and disinfecting without threatening supply. The school also wanted to be sure it could clearly communicate the reasons for and the benefits of the new cleaning program to parents and faculty. 

To address these challenges, Saint Clement turned to its trusted building service contractor, GSF USA, to recommend meaningful changes to the school’s cleaning program.  


GSF recommended Saint Clement use electrochemically-activated cleaning and disinfecting solutions, also known as ECAS. These innovative solutions are generated on campus and harness the power of simple chemistry to clean surfaces and combat pathogens. GSF trusted PathoSans®, a leader in ECAS, to install and maintain their on-site generation (OSG) system, which creates one multi-purpose cleaner, PathoClean®, and one sanitizer/disinfectant, PathoCide®. 

The PathoSans ECAS are an ideal fit for Saint Clement for the following reasons: 

Consistent supply.

ECAS remedied the issue of unreliable supply because GSF’s employees can generate the solutions on demand and increase the volume to clean more frequently. In addition to increased concerns around health related to the pandemic, large spaces like cafeterias and gymnasiums require access to a steady supply of cleaning solutions. Fortunately, the OSG system can create enough solution to clean any facility, no matter the size. 

Effective against pathogens.

The PathoSans ECAS are extremely effective on a wide variety of surfaces, especially when used in a simple two-step cleaning process. First, PathoClean removes soils from high-touch surfaces such as desks, windows, floors, doors and gym equipment. Then, PathoCide targets exposed pathogens, inactivating viruses and killing bacteria and fungi. PathoCide is proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 in one minute on a pre-cleaned surface. In addition, it is effective against Influenza A virus, Norovirus, E. Coli and numerous other pathogens of concern. Preventing the spread of disease with effective cleaning and disinfection is critical for keeping students, staff and visitors safe and healthy. 

A responsible choice.

The ECAS are non-irritating to eyes and skin and contain no added fragrance, thereby avoiding allergy triggers. Their effectiveness helps protect students and staff by thoroughly removing and inactivating pathogens without the added hazards many conventional chemicals create. For instance, with ECA solutions, the school’s physical education teacher can disinfect gym equipment without bleach, eliminating the strong odor and health risks associated with the chemical. 

GSF and PathoSans helped educate Saint Clement’s parents and staff to give them confidence in ECAS, delivering clear communication about the steps cleaning professionals were taking and why. The more that parents and teachers learned, the more they appreciated this shift to more sustainable and responsible cleaning. 

“We knew the goal was to keep students as consistently safe and healthy as possible by harnessing the power of cleaning and disinfection,” said Magda Hernandez, GSF’s facility manager for Saint Clement School. “The PathoSans system improves our ability to protect the well-being of students without interruption, during the pandemic and beyond.” 

The Results 

Saint Clement and GSF USA successfully transformed the school’s cleaning program using the PathoSans on-site generation system and ECAS. GSF can now clean and disinfect more frequently during the day and use electrostatic sprayers at night, without worrying about running low on solutions or releasing caustic ingredients into the air. 

In addition, parents can trust the school’s new cleaning and disinfecting program to better protect the health and safety of their children. They can have peace of mind knowing the school is investing in an effective, consistent and responsible cleaning program tailored to meet its specific needs. 

“Parents send their children to Saint Clement for our commitment to care deeply for our students,” said Fran Kucich, assistant principal, Saint Clement School. “GSF and the PathoSans system have allowed us to elevate that standard of care to meet today’s concerns and expectations. We are thrilled to have discovered our long-term solution for cleaning our campus and protecting our entire community.” 

Download the PDF here: Saint Clement School Case Study


Robotic Vacuums are Helpful Team Members at GSF USA

Opportunity: Taking Clean to the Next Level

Hickory Creek Middle School in Frankfort, Illinois, sees nearly 900 students, grades 6-8, come through its doors every day during a typical school year. Part of the school district’s mission is to provide students with a “quality learning environment.” Keeping a clean environment is one way to help students and staff focus on what is important – high academic standards and levels of excellence. In other words, “we care about clean,” says Grant Mackall, Branch Manager at GSF USA, building service contractor for Hickory Creek Middle School.

In order to maintain the highest standards of clean and to match their academic standards, GSF USA partnered with ICE Robotics, a global leader in the cleaning industry. Together they decided to add Whiz, an autonomous vacuum sweeper, to the cleaning team to allow janitorial staff to focus on more detailed, deep cleaning.

Part of the challenge for the GSF staff at Hickory Creek Middle School was being able to free up people to focus on more detailed tasks. Two of the seven hours a day were spent vacuuming, not giving the staff enough time to focus on other pertinent tasks. “We want to improve the availability of our people to focus on other high-level activities. We don’t want to replace people, we want to take the clean to the next level,” said Grant. By adding Whiz, GSF has been able to help the janitorial staff reallocate labor for a higher quality clean.

Solution: Addition to the Staff

ICE Robotics worked on site with the GSF and Hickory Creek teams to show them how to set up Whiz and teach cleaning routes. Hilda Arredondo, Account Manager of the cleaning staff at the school said, “Whiz is really simple to set up and easy to use.”

Hilda deploys Whiz in five minutes and runs routes every day in the entryways, hallways and open areas, as opposed to the old riding cleaner that requires two hours per day. GSF’s staff has noticed a difference in the cleanliness of carpets based on the amount of dust and dirt Whiz picks up – it captures much of what goes “unseen.”

Results: A Cleaner Environment for Students

Hilda says, “Whiz has given me and my staff a lot of extra time to accomplish our work.” By deploying Whiz, the GSF staff has freed up an additional two hours of time each day to focus on other high priority jobs. The time back has allowed them to focus on sanitizing, dusting and deeper cleaning in the bathrooms.

Overall, adding Whiz has freed up 10 hours of work a week. By the end of the year, the staff will save 520 hours, giving the cleaning staff 520 hours of production time back to focus on higher priority cleaning. This new level of clean allows students and faculty to focus on what is important: achieving academic excellence!

Download the case study here: GSF USA and Whiz at Hickory Creek Middle School_Case Study


Cleaning Best Practices for a Successful School Year

As summer ends, students, faculty and staff return to educational facilities for the new school year – some for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. While the percentage of people vaccinated continues to rise, schools will need to prepare for the forgotten viruses – norovirus and influenza. The 2020/2021 flu season was mild thanks to social distancing and other protective measures, but as schools return to their traditional learning environments, following proper cleaning protocols to prevent the spread of germs and harmful pathogens will be critical. 

Facility managers should approach cleaning holistically and sustainably to support a safe and healthy environment when preparing to reopen. From disinfecting high-touch surfaces to promoting good indoor air quality (IAQ), consider the following best practices for a successful start to the new school year.  

Increase cleaning frequency for high-touch surfaces. 

Surfaces such as door handles, light switches, desks and chairs are breeding grounds for germs and harmful pathogens in schools. They pose a risk of spreading germs if not cleaned properly and regularly. Wipe down high-touch surfaces multiple times a day, even if most students, faculty and staff are vaccinated. Remember, schools must be prepared for other contagious illnesses such as norovirus, which can live on surfaces for up to two weeks, and influenza, which can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours.  

Annually, teacher absences cost schools more than $25 billion, with substitute teachers costing schools nearly $4 billion. Student absences can hinder engagement and learning. Sanitized and disinfected surfaces make it less likely for students or teachers to become sick.  

Use sustainable chemicals.

It’s critical to consider the safety of building occupants and cleaning staff when developing and executing a cleaning program. Products created with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) negatively affect the environment and indoor air quality. Using safe and sustainable cleaners and disinfectants that meet efficacy standards can help schools avoid causing harm to students and staff.  

For instance, electrochemically activated solutions (ECAS) are cleaners and disinfectants created using salt, water and electricity and an on-site generator. With solutions made from three safe and easily accessible ingredients, schools can avoid aggravating health conditions such as asthma in students and staff while reducing their environmental footprint. If you’re unsure of which products to use, look for solutions or cleaning programs that are certified by reputable organizations such as Green Seal. These certifications confirm that the product or program has undergone rigorous testing to evaluate its effectiveness and safety.  

Invest in high-tech equipment.

High-tech equipment, such as on-site generation (OSG) and robotic floor care equipment, can help schools provide a cleaner learning environment by increasing the productivity of cleaning professionals. For example, robotic floorcare equipment allows cleaning staff to revitalize floors, which experience the most wear and tear in educational facilities, and focus on other high-priority needs.  

On-site generation enhances a school’s readiness to clean by creating a cleaner/degreaser and a disinfectant/sanitizer in a school’s custodial closet. Custodians can easily dispense these solutions into spray bottles, mop buckets and floor care equipment tanks. During the pandemic, many schools struggled to find cleaning chemicals because of the disruption in the supply chain. OSG offers a reliable supply of cleaning solutions and ensures consistency in cleaning results.  

Improve IAQ.

Poor IAQ can cause a plethora of issues for students and staff, who spend about 1,000 hours in classrooms each school year. Symptoms of indoor air pollution include fatigue, shortness of breath, hypersensitivity and allergies, sinus congestions, headache, coughing, sneezing and dizziness. If you notice these issues, it may be time to make improvements to your IAQ strategy.  

First, assess the school’s current IAQ levels to get an understanding of the baseline. An essential factor that promotes good IAQ is following a regular cleaning schedule. Daily cleaning helps remove particles in the air, on the surface, and carpet and flooring. For greater assurance that your cleaning is not contributing to poor IAQ, adopt green cleaning methods like using safe and sustainable solutions and high-tech equipment that thoroughly removes allergens and pollutants like dust, pollen and dander. Additionally, prioritize proper air filtration by performing regular ventilation checks.  

Clean Schools are Safe Schools 

Now more than ever, it’s important to follow cleaning protocols closely to prevent the spread of germs throughout schools. By following these best practices or partnering with a building service contractor to take on the higher cost of high-tech equipment and time-consuming cleaning tasks, school facility managers can maintain a healthy school environment.  

Keeping students, faculty and staff safe is key to avoiding absences and school closures. Contact us to learn how we can support your school’s cleaning needs and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for updates.  


Alliance Francaise de Chicago Says “Bonjour” to New Way of Cleaning


Founded in 1897, Alliance Francaise de Chicago is part of an international network of over 1,100 Alliances and affiliated cultural centers worldwide and the second oldest Alliance Francaise in the United States. From preschool programs to kids and teens classes to workshops to summer camps, there are many activities and events that take place within the institution’s historic buildings in the heart of downtown Chicago.

With such a rich history and robust educational offerings, Alliance Francaise de Chicago prides itself on continuing its long tradition of celebrating the French language and culture for its nearly 2,000 members. Creating a welcoming environment for all ages and levels of French is key. Cleanliness plays an important role in making members feel comfortable.

“When you are part of a community, you have a responsibility to help support that community,” said Mary Ellen Connellan, Executive Director, Alliance Francaise de Chicago. “We want to give our students, teachers, administrators, parents and others peace of mind that our facility is clean and safe so they can focus on cultural enrichment.”


Over the course of the pandemic, Alliance Francaise de Chicago implemented a hybrid approach to learning and engagement. The availability of online classes and on-site classes, private lessons and events have enabled members to take full advantage of the cultural center’s offerings, even during the most challenging times. To ensure the safety of both children and adults, a strategic approach to cleaning and disinfection was paramount.

To improve the facility’s readiness to clean during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Alliance Francaise de Chicago’s trusted cleaning service provider, GSF USA, installed an on-site generator from PathoSans® in September 2020. Using water, salt and electricity, the system creates two electrochemically-activated cleaning and disinfecting solutions (ECAS).

The first solution, PathoClean®, is a multi-purpose cleaner that removes harmful collections of microorganisms called biofilms and prepares surfaces for disinfection. The other solution, PathoCide®, is a sanitizer/disinfectant that can kill 99.999% of bacteria in seconds and is effective against a range of viruses including SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen that causes COVID-19.

“Parents are rightfully concerned with their children, which is why we are dedicated to communicating the safety measures we have in place,” added Connellan. “PathoSans is a big part of our approach to safety. We know the solutions will not harm the environment and more importantly, they will not harm our students and staff.”


Alliance Francaise de Chicago has benefitted from this enhanced approach to cleaning and disinfecting in several ways, including:

Improved cleanliness.

The on-site generator ensures cleaner and disinfectant are always available for GSF’s team. The PathoSans solutions effectively tackle visible soils and underlying pathogens, thereby improving the look and feel of surfaces. Additionally, the products do not leave behind chemical residue that can make surfaces appear dull or become dirty more quickly. The solutions have also been used to promptly clean up spilled liquids to avoid stains.

Noticeable drop in cases of illness.

Connellan notes that students are getting sick less frequently, including during flu season. Hand hygiene, social distancing and face coverings play a part in this positive trend, along with the fact that the school is regularly cleaning and disinfecting to reduce the spread of harmful pathogens that can survive on surfaces.

Greater assurance in student, staff and visitor safety and wellbeing.

“No one is breathing in harmful products,” says Connellan. This is because, unlike many conventional cleaning chemicals, the PathoSans solutions do not contain toxic ingredients, fragrances or dyes that can aggravate health conditions. They are just as effective at eradicating viruses, bacteria and fungi. This gives the school and its members confidence that pathogens of concern are being properly managed.

“Being transparent about the protocols we have is key,” added Connellan. “The extra measures our school has taken to clean and disinfect have made everyone feel very secure. PathoSans and GSF are a big part of our commitment to safety.”

Download the PDF here: Alliance Francaise de Chicago Case Study

How to Prolong the Life of your Carpet

It’s no surprise that flooring is one asset that regularly requires maintenance. Soft flooring like carpet is susceptible to frequent soiling and staining, especially in high-traffic settings like retail stores, airports, libraries and convention centers. Every day, your building’s occupants and visitors track loose dirt and wet contaminants like water and mud into the facility. Keeping these soils from impacting the look of carpet is crucial. Read on to learn best practices for prolonging the life of your flooring and upholding your brand image 

The Case for Clean Carpet 

Clean carpet is aesthetically pleasing and sets the tone for every customer’s visit. Research shows that dirty carpet can lead to reputational damage and other problematic outcomes for organizations. According to a 2020 survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of carpet care system manufacturer Whittaker, 93% of Americans say dirty carpet would negatively impact their perception of a business. Thus, organizations risk upsetting and losing the majority of their customer base if they do not have a dedicated approach to carpet care in place.  

The survey revealed exactly how facility visitors would respond upon seeing dirty carpet. More than half of U.S. adults (58%) would assume the facility is not clean. In the wake of the pandemic, customers must believe in your facility’s commitment to maintaining clean environments. Additionally, 56% would look for an alternative facility to visit, leading to lost business that may be difficult to recoup. Half would spend less time in the facility. In places where goods and services are sold, like retail stores, hotels and convention centers, less time in the facility often translates to fewer sales. 

Tips for Five-star Flooring 

Keep carpet clean and extend its lifespan by implementing the following best practices: 

Install matting.

Matting is carpet’s first line of defense against soils because it removes the majority of contaminants from guests’ shoes before they reach carpeted flooring. It is much easier and cost-effective to remove and clean matting than it is to clean carpet constantly. Install matting at entrances, allowing for several feet to give visitors ample space to wipe and scrape the soles of their shoes. Matting is a year-round essential, though it is most crucial during wet seasons like winter when moisture from snow and ice melting products become stuck in shoe treads.  

Vacuum regularly.

It is easier to conduct more thorough carpet cleaning if you vacuum regularly to remove embedded soils from carpet fibers. While your vacuuming schedule will vary depending on foot traffic and typical weather patterns, it is recommended to do so consistently. This could mean daily or every other day.  

Thanks to improvements in technology, vacuuming is more efficient than ever. Consider implementing an autonomous vacuum sweeper that not only delivers a high-quality clean but proof of performance. At GSF USA, we rely on Whiz from SoftBank Robotics, powered by BrainOS, an operating system from robotics industry leader Brain Corp. Robotic vacuuming allows employees to focus on other high-priority tasks while floor care is completed. 

Address stains as soon as possible.

Spills are inevitable, but stains don’t have to be. Train custodial professionals to be on the lookout for spills throughout their shifts so these can be cleaned up promptly. To effectively remove stains and keep them from impacting the overall look of carpet, have a range of different stain removal solutions on hand. Some stains will be food- and beverage-based, while bodily fluids like blood and vomit may cause others. Employees should understand how to identify the stain type and apply the solution to maintain a like-new appearance.   

Keeping Carpet in Great Shape 

Every facility manager wants to impress their guests through cleanliness. Since flooring is often the first thing customers encounter upon entering a building, it must always look its best. By following the recommendations outlined above or working with a building service contractor to outsource carpet care, facility managers can ensure that carpet remains clean and lasts for years to come. This will result in improved guest satisfaction and translate to positive word-of-mouth, longer visits, increased sales and a stronger bottom line. Plus, less frequent replacement results in less landfill waste. With all of these benefits tied to floor care, it’s a must-have on your list of maintenance priorities.  

Carpeted flooring can last for many years if it is properly cared for regularly. Contact us to learn how we can support your carpet care needs, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for updates. 


Four Tips for Instilling a Culture of Cleanliness

As more facilities welcome employees and building occupants back at increased or full capacity, facility managers must remember that the public’s heightened awareness around cleanliness is here to stay. Knowing the role cleaning plays in helping to reduce the spread of illness, it is imperative that facility managers enhance their cleaning protocols to promote a culture of cleanliness. Moving forward, cleanliness protocols will likely impact employee retention, satisfaction and productivity as employees want to be reassured that their facility is keeping them as safe as possible.

Cleaning Up Old Habits: Instilling a Culture of Cleanliness

Many facilities will need to rethink their approach to cleaning as cleanliness continues to stay top of mind. A few considerations facility managers must take include:

Scheduling daytime cleaning.

A recent national survey found that nearly 90% of Americans want proof workplaces are being cleaned and sanitized regularly even after they have been vaccinated. Scheduling daytime cleaning reassures employees that
high-traffic areas and high-touch surfaces are being cleaned regularly. Making cleaning more visible stresses a facility’s commitment to cleanliness and builds trust with employees.

Additionally, a daytime cleaning schedule also supports the happiness and wellbeing of cleaning staff. This can improve productivity, cleaning performance and reduce turnover rates. Hence, shifting to a daytime schedule supports the bottom line and helps to foster a culture of cleanliness.

Cleaning for health and appearance.

Cleaning for appearance remains critical but facility managers must make cleaning for health a priority. It’s vital to implement cleaning solutions and equipment that can eliminate pathogens of concern, but are also sustainable. Sustainable cleaning products promote good indoor air quality (IAQ) and reduces cleaning’s impact on the environment, which further supports public health. In fact, a recent Harris Poll found that 1 in 2 U.S. adults believe buildings should follow sustainable cleaning practices.

One way to clean for health and appearance is to implement an on-site generation (OSG) system. OSG systems produce two electrochemically-activated solutions (ECAS) with just salt, water and electricity. ECAS are as effective as other cleaning products, but don’t use harsh ingredients or volatile organic compound (VOC) emitting chemicals. Similarly, verify if your service provider’s cleaning protocols are Green Seal® certified. Cleaning programs are required to go through a rigorous process to confirm whether they incorporate effective, sustainable cleaning and disinfecting procedures and equipment

Promoting good hand hygiene.

Proper hand washing is a pillar of cleanliness and infection prevention. In addition to cleaning protocols, it’s pivotal for facilities to promote proper hand washing techniques. Consider installing signs in restrooms that serve as a reminder to building occupants of the facility’s standards and commitment to cleanliness. Be sure that there’s an adequate supply of sanitizer and hand soap regularly.

Prioritizing training.

Training supports cleaning performance, safety and the continued success of cleaning professionals. It not only allows employees to feel more comfortable with the products and equipment they’re using, but also teaches them how to reduce waste and be more sustainable. Training improves cleaning consistency, which takes away from having to reclean or use more resources needed. It should be ongoing, starting with the onboarding process and continuing throughout their tenure.

Long-term Change for Long-term Results

The public’s perceptions of clean have been forever altered as a result of the pandemic, and facilities will need to adapt. As we grow closer towards a post-pandemic world, trust will be hard to earn and even easier to burn. Facility manager that are mindful of employees’ concerns and willing to work towards a culture of cleanliness will be better prepared for the future.

Do you need help bringing a culture of cleanliness to your facility? Contact us here to learn more about our offerings, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for updates.