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At GSF USA, we care about clean and the people behind clean. By investing in our people, we help our employees discover rewarding careers in commercial cleaning. Learn more about our benefits and culture via our infographic.

Three Cleaning Trends to Watch For

As a global cleaning services company, we pride ourselves on staying up to date on the latest trends in the cleaning industry. Having a pulse on the challenges that facility managers are facing and methods for helping them overcome these issues is a must. Implementing high-tech equipment and safer chemicals and educating our team members on emerging and tried-and-true best practices is also key.

So what does 2022 have in store for the cleaning industry? What strategies will help facility managers create safer environments and protect their bottom lines? Read on to learn about three trends that will further shape commercial cleaning next year and beyond.

Now Trending: More Effective & Cost-efficient Cleaning

The cleaning industry continues to innovate to uphold public health and safety. Some trends come and go and others are here to stay, such as those below:

Cleaning as a means of instilling confidence.

Before the pandemic, many people didn’t put too much thought into how offices, schools, grocery stores and airports were cleaned. They trusted that these tasks were accomplished out of sight and were adequate enough to protect the public. Now, there is much more scrutiny about whether cleaning and disinfecting is being performed   regularly and properly. With many companies still hoping to transition work-from-home employees back to the office full time or part time, cleanliness is being leveraged as a way to enhance confidence in building safety.

Organizations are openly communicating about their cleaning programs and initiatives that support public health in order to ease concerns and showcase they are at the forefront of cleaning for health. This transparency has led many facility managers to take a closer look at the products and processes they are relying on to maintain their buildings. Careful selection and oversight of the chemicals and tools that cleaning professionals use will be important moving forward.

A shift to safer chemicals through on-site generation.

The pandemic demonstrated how problematic relying on traditional supply chains can be when demand suddenly spikes and remains high for months at a time. It also made people more aware of the harmful effects that cleaning chemicals can have on their wellbeing. Many conventional chemicals contain toxins that negatively affect indoor air quality (IAQ) and the health of building occupants. With facilities cleaning more frequently and many closely monitoring IAQ, considering the long-term impact of cleaning chemicals is paramount.

An alternative to both of these issues is to generate safer cleaner and disinfectant at your facility. With an on-site generator (OSG) stored in a custodial closet, facilities can combine salt, water and electricity to create electrochemically activated solutions (ECAS) that do not irritate eyes or skin, won’t leave a residue on surfaces and are better for people and the environment.

Cobots will be relied on for a more focused approach to cleaning and disinfecting.

As cleaning professionals face increased pressure to clean thoroughly and consistently and manage a longer list of tasks than ever before, the allure of robotic cleaning equipment will rise. Sometimes referred to as “cobots” for their ability to work well alongside humans, these automated machines effortlessly carry out hard and soft floor care duties. This allows cleaning teams to focus on other important responsibilities while floor care is completed and accomplish more than they would on their own.

Because cobots perform tasks the same each time, facility managers can be confident that their buildings are successfully upholding the desired levels of cleanliness. The pandemic has led corporate offices, school districts and other facilities to reassess their cleaning budgets, and while cobots are certainly an investment, they offer proven results.

Facility Managers at the Forefront

Facility managers who stay ahead of the trends that will shape the industry can successfully build cleaning programs that consider people and the planet. The above are just three developments that will be big in 2022 and beyond. Working with a trusted building service contractor can help organizations discover the latest and greatest technologies and processes for cleaning facilities and meeting consumers’ high expectations.

Our experts care about clean and have a pulse on how to make cleaning effective, cost-efficient and safe. Contact GSF USA here and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for the latest updates.

Three Ways to Prioritize Infection Prevention

Cleaning and disinfection can be considered the cornerstones of an effective infection prevention program. After all, the goal of cleaning is to uphold public health and safety. This takes on new meaning during a pandemic that has resulted in millions of deaths. Focusing on infection prevention will not only help reduce the risk of outbreaks, but it will also give your employees and facility visitors greater peace of mind. Read on to learn more about infectious disease patterns and how to prioritize infection prevention efforts.

Understanding Infections

Many people think about infections as cyclical. For example, cases of the flu would emerge in the fall and winter and subside in the spring. Pneumonia, bronchitis and the common cold are additional illnesses that are much more prevalent during the winter. And still there are other seasonal diseases that peak at varying times of the year.

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, there was even hope that cases of SARS-CoV-2 would subside in the summer, as some viruses can’t withstand warmer temperatures. We now know that COVID-19 is a year-round issue around the world, despite the climate. Models detailing daily COVID-19 cases in the United States do showcase a pattern of some sort. COVID-19 surges for roughly two months and then tends to decline for that same length of time. The two-month cycle has also occurred in other countries like Spain and India. Yet it’s still mostly unclear why this pattern is occurring.

So what are the key takeaways from COVID-19? The most important is that we need to move away from the belief that winter is the only harbinger of illness. Infections can occur at any time, so having a sound strategy in place to respond to one or several cases, or even a major outbreak, is key.

Protecting the Public Against Pathogens

Your facility must have a plan for dealing with pathogens. Consider the following

  1. Generate chemicals on site.

Many facilities had difficulty securing chemicals as demand reached unprecedented levels during the pandemic. Some were even forced to equip workers with chemicals they had never used before, leading to safety risks. Thankfully, organizations don’t have to rely on traditional supply chains for cleaning chemicals. On-site generation (OSG) allows facilities to create a cleaner and disinfectant in their janitorial closets using salt, water and electricity. These electrochemically-activated solutions (ECAS) are drain- and disposal-safe, do not contain any irritating ingredients, can be used on a wide variety of surfaces and replace many types of caustic chemicals with just two easy-to-use solutions. OSG supports infection prevention because your facility can quickly and seamlessly respond to an outbreak in the local community by generating more cleaner and disinfectant without worry that you’re overcleaning with potentially harmful products or will run out of supply.

  1. Promote hand hygiene.

Hand hygiene is widely considered the top way to prevent the spread of germs because dirty hands have a higher risk of contaminating surfaces and people than clean hands. Demonstrate your commitment to infection prevention by making hand hygiene essentials like soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels readily available throughout the facility. Restock as needed depending on traffic patterns. Couple these essentials with signage that can help drive compliance.

  1. Instill a culture of wellness.

If custodial employees are feeling unwell, they should not be afraid to take the necessary time away from their job. Staff should understand that coming to work while sick can spread germs to coworkers and building occupants. Build and uphold a culture that encourages employees to rest and recover so that they can support your infection prevention goals. Have a plan in place to adequately cover sick workers’ responsibilities while they are out so that cleanliness lapses do not occur in the facility. Additionally, you may consider posting signage that encourages facility visitors to avoid entering the building if they are experiencing symptoms of illness.

Preparation is the Key to Success

Being prepared for today’s and tomorrow’s infectious diseases reduces the risk that outbreaks will occur in your facility. Additionally, if cases of illness do arise, a thorough cleaning and disinfection program can help limit the spread of pathogens and keep your workers and visitors healthy. By following the above best practices, your organization can demonstrate that it is properly prioritizing infection prevention and has the know-how to deal with these challenges.

Infection prevention should be a year-round focus for your facility. Do you have a qualified team in place to uphold cleanliness to reduce the spread of pathogens? Contact GSF USA here and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn more.

Marking Milestones at GSF USA

Our people are our superpower at GSF USA. Day in and day out, they show up to keep our customers’ buildings looking their best. In the wake of the pandemic, all eyes are on cleaning teams and how they perform. Our crew meets the challenge at every opportunity. They are committed to learning the latest techniques for cleaning for health and working alongside innovative equipment to make cleaning more efficient and consistent.  

We are proud to have a team made of up both seasoned professionals and those new to the industry who are dedicated to making a difference. Each quarter, we celebrate those who have reached key anniversaries with GSF. Turnover in the cleaning industry can average as high as 200%. Our rewarding and forward-thinking culture is one differentiator that sets us apart and keeps professionals staying year after year and committed to growing into new roles.  

Thank you and congratulations to the employees below who are contributing to GSF’s mission!     

20th Anniversary  

  • Maria D., GSF Indiana  

15th Anniversaries  

  • Nicolas G., GSF Indiana 

5th Anniversaries  

  • Juan B., GSF Indiana  
  • Yesenia S., GSF Indiana 
  • Betty C., GSF Ohio 
  • Arnold P., GSF Indiana 
  • Rosa S., GSF Indiana 
  • Osmar P., GSF Indiana 
  • Virginia P., GSF Illinois  
  • Duane G., GSF Ohio 

Restrooms: The Greatest Facility Maintenance Challenge

Restrooms are often one of the smallest areas in a facility, yet they often present the biggest challenge for facility managers. This is because restrooms see frequent use and their level of cleanliness can make or break a visitor’s first impression of a facility. Plus, it’s not feasible to clean restrooms after each guest. A visible mess or odor can occur within a span of several minutes and negatively impact the next guest’s experience.

According to the 2020 In-House/Facility Management Benchmarking Survey from Cleaning and Maintenance Management, restrooms are the most problematic surface/area for facility managers across all types of facilities, by more than double. From toilet clogs to overflowing trash receptacles to slippery floors, there are many issues that can arise. Given that 90% of U.S. adults think employers should deep clean workplace restrooms regularly, cleaning teams need to dedicate a significant focus of the cleaning program to restroom maintenance.

Germs, Bacteria, Viruses – Oh My!

Viruses and bacteria lurk on high-touch bathroom surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, soap dispensers and toilet handles. According to a study in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77,000 distinct bacteria and viruses can exist in restrooms.  These bacteria are more likely to spread after toilets are flushed because fecal matter is distributed into the air in aerosol form, commonly referred to as “toilet plume.” It then contaminates surfaces and potentially guests’ hands, thereby enabling these germs to spread from person to person.

Now more than ever, it’s vital to pay close attention to restroom maintenance. In June 2020, a survey from Tork revealed that 73% of people in North America felt more unsafe going to facilities with unhygienic public restrooms than before the pandemic. Now that the public is more aware of the risks associated with a lack of cleanliness, facility managers and their teams need to prioritize keeping these smaller spaces clean to ensure the biggest impact on guest satisfaction.

Strategies for Spectacular Restrooms

All aspects of restrooms must be considered when developing your cleaning strategy. Consider the following best practices to make your restrooms memorable:

Invest time in training employees.

Training employees is crucial for achieving the highest level of cleanliness and maintaining consistency across an entire facility or even several buildings. Many people incorrectly assume that the toilet is a restroom’s most unsanitary surface. In fact, many areas harbor high numbers of bacteria. Thus, it’s essential to train employees to clean and disinfect the less obvious surfaces, such as restroom stall walls and grab rails, which can become contaminated with pathogens. They should also learn the proper order for cleaning – top to bottom – to avoid cross contamination.

Set and follow a cleaning schedule.

Restrooms are high-traffic spaces that can harbor pathogens across many different surfaces. Germs can spread more easily if people are not practicing proper hand hygiene in these environments. The 2021 Healthy Handwashing Survey from Bradley Corporation found that nearly half (48%) of Americans admit to having simply rinsed their hands with water instead of washing with soap. Having a set schedule in place for cleaning, disinfecting and restocking restrooms can help limit the spread of germs by ensuring that guests have enough toilet paper, soap and paper towels to uphold cleanliness. Develop the schedule based on the facility’s typical traffic patterns. While some facilities are still experiencing lower-than-normal occupancies during the pandemic, restrooms must always be clean and ready for guests.

Incorporate sustainable cleaning chemicals.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused supply chain disruption and resulted in many cleaning professionals using products with which they were unfamiliar. Coupled with the fact that many facilities are cleaning more frequently, it’s important to understand their composition, as toxic ingredients and fragrances can negatively impact workers and restroom guests. Investing in an on-site generation (OSG) system that creates non-irritating solutions with just water, salt and electricity eliminates supply issues and enhances safety. The OSG system produces electrochemically activated solutions (ECAS) that are effective against pathogens, safe for the environment and can replace the majority of chemicals required to maintain a facility.

Clean Restrooms Create a Better Facility

Maintaining clean restrooms is essential for creating safe environments for facility occupants. By thoroughly training employees, regularly cleaning and disinfecting, restocking supplies as needed and implementing sustainable cleaning chemicals, you can control the presence and spread of germs and give restroom guests a great experience at every visit.

Keeping restrooms clean protects your brand reputation and your facility’s occupants.  Contact us to learn how we can support your cleaning needs and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for updates.

Easy Sustainability Swaps to Limit Cleaning’s Impact

Findings from a 2019 Pew Research Center survey reveal that 62% of Americans said that global climate change was affecting their local community a great deal or some. With the climate crisis becoming increasingly clear, more companies and consumers are doubling down on efforts to protect the planet. The owners and managers of commercial buildings have a responsibility to reduce the impact their facilities have on the environment. One way to accomplish this is to review your cleaning program in detail and identify ways to increase energy, chemical and water savings and reduce waste generation.

Simple Sustainability Swaps Support The Environment

The strategies below are easy changes that you and your team can make to realize big environmental improvements.

Generate solutions on site.

Cleaning programs generate high volumes of packaging waste and this has only increased during the pandemic as facilities disinfect more frequently. Rather than ordering chemicals in plastic bottles to be shipped and delivered to a site, some organizations are realizing the benefits of generating their own cleaning and disinfecting solutions in house that are dispensed into reusable containers. Using salt, electricity and water, on-site generators produce electrochemically-activated solutions (ECAS) that can be used to clean and disinfect numerous surfaces throughout a facility. Not only does this approach greatly reduce plastic waste and packaging costs, but it also eliminates transportation emissions tied to these shipments. In addition to curbing waste and outdoor pollution, ECAS also enhance indoor air quality because they do not contain any volatile organic compounds, fragrances or other irritants like many traditional cleaning chemicals do. Plus, ECAS are extremely effective at upholding cleanliness, meaning you don’t have to sacrifice performance in order to achieve sustainability.

Focus on floor care.

Keeping floors clean typically requires a lot of time and effort. Managing floor care manually can exacerbate the consumption of water and chemicals. Utilizing high-tech equipment like floor scrubbers, whether operated by a team member or robotic, can help reduce the use of these essentials. Look for machines that clean exceptionally with one pass to eliminate the need to reclean floors. Some equipment can even adjust the amount of solution delivered to floors as its speed changes. This can also save water and chemical.

Conduct the majority of cleaning during daytime hours.

Cleaning during daytime hours can help reduce reliance on lighting and HVAC systems at night. Energy for lighting, heating and cooling is about 19% of total expenditures for the typical commercial office building. While some cleaning may need to take place during evening hours, especially after all or most occupants leave a building, find ways for cleaning professionals to conduct high-priority and time-consuming tasks earlier in the day. This will make evening cleaning more efficient and allow facility managers to lower energy use overnight.

Make microfiber a must have.

Using microfiber cleaning cloths to address high-touch surfaces is preferrable to relying on disposable, one-time-use towels that end up in landfills. Microfiber is highly effective at removing germs from surfaces and can be laundered and reused numerous times. Designating certain cloths for use in different areas, like cafeterias and dining areas, restrooms and classrooms can help reduce cross contamination.

A Brighter and Greener Future

While the cleaning process has traditionally been very resource intensive, there is a movement to make it greener. Finding ways to make cleaning more sustainable benefits the environment and our future. And in many cases, implementing greener methods can help commercial facilities reduce costs by limiting waste generation and resource consumption. The above strategies are just a few ideas that facility managers can consider to enhance their organization’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

At GSF USA, we care about clean, our people and the planet. Our Écologique cleaning program is certified by Green Seal® and delivers a high-quality clean while also considering the environment. Contact us to learn more, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for the latest company updates.

Top Tips for Training Cleaning Professionals

They say “practice makes perfect,” and in the cleaning industry, it is absolutely true. Quality training is essential to ensure both employee safety and consistent cleaning results. Without training, cleaning can be a dangerous job. With such a wide variety of chemicals, tools and equipment available within the industry, it’s extremely important that cleaning staff understand how to use them correctly to protect both themselves and building occupants who expect the highest levels of cleanliness.

Training to Clean for Health and Appearance

A comprehensive training program ensures that cleaning professionals are taught the proper techniques to prioritize cleaning for health, safety and appearance. Un-trained cleaning staff can do more harm than good by spreading germs around a facility, which puts both occupants and themselves at risk. Improper cleaning can also negatively impact the indoor air quality (IAQ) in a facility which affects all building occupants as well. Ongoing training is the basis to ensure that cleaning professionals are armed with the experience and knowledge to provide reliable, consistent and safe cleaning results.

Consider the following best practices to adequately train and develop both new and tenured cleaning professionals on your team:

Set cleaning expectations.

Be sure to provide a detailed list of cleaning expectations and specifically outline tasks and responsibilities. Reinforce all onboarding training with refresher courses. This will ensure even the most seasoned employees stay engaged and informed regarding any new cleaning procedures and protocols. In addition, consistently review personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements to make sure all employees know what is specifically required to protect themselves while on the job.

Offer in-depth chemical safety and tool training.

Prior to using any chemical, tool or piece of equipment, it is vital to provide staff with a thorough training. The training should include what it is, why it is used and how to use it correctly. Doing so will help reduce the risk of injuries and infections, as well as ensure cleaners are following safety laws. Using a color-coded system to match tools, chemicals and labels helps simplify the process, especially for multi-lingual employees. This will make it easier for cleaners to perform their jobs and prevent cross contamination.

Provide hands-on training.

There are numerous ways to train employees including videos, demonstrations and literature, but always be sure to include an adequate amount of time for hands-on training. This type of training enables cleaners to try out tasks for themselves, learn from mistakes and receive feedback prior to working in the field. This will provide them with experience and confidence needed to meet and exceed cleaning expectations. Following training, shadow both new and tenured employees occasionally to ensure they are correctly following protocol and provide immediate constructive feedback.

Empower employees.

Training sessions are a great time to boost employee morale and ensure that employees feel valued and essential. Promote a positive environment where questions are always welcomed and encouraged. This will help attendees continue to learn, grow and retain information. Including a little fun in your training sessions with an ice breaker game, a contest or a nice meal will also set a positive tone. Empowering employees and making sure every voice is heard can significantly boost morale and reduce employee turnover that can lead to lapses in consistent cleanliness.

Review the training process frequently and ask for employee feedback.

Review your training process at least annually to ensure that you continue to meet the needs of both your employees and building occupants. Cleaning technology, chemicals and tools are constantly evolving and training techniques need to be updated to coincide with any changes. In addition, ask for employee feedback after a training session through a questionnaire or anonymous form. This will provide the best insight on how to improve your approach to training and how to cater to the training styles that employees prefer.

A Commitment to Cleanliness

Cleaning has been propelled into the spotlight for its role in infection control during the pandemic, but training has always been the foundation of consistent, reliable cleanliness. Now is a great time to review and refresh your training program to ensure it is up to date to continue providing employees with a safe, enjoyable work environment and delivering cleanliness for building occupants every day.

At GSF USA, we care about clean and the people who deliver it. Training and development help our employees achieve the highest levels of professionalism so they can uphold cleanliness for our customers. Contact us to learn more, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for the latest updates.

How to Celebrate Custodians on National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day and Every Day

Day in and day out, custodians make building occupants’ lives easier and safer. They do this all while performing risky and labor-intensive jobs. They’re required to complete tasks that expose them to potentially dangerous chemicals and physical injuries such as muscle strain. But they also manage the things we often take for granted, like full soap dispensers, stocked toilet paper and clean floors.

Custodians are the unsung heroes in schools, office buildings and many other commercial facilities. They show up to work each day and keep environments clean and building occupants safe and healthy. The COVID-19 pandemic shined an even brighter spotlight on just how important these essential workers are.

October 2 is National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day, and now more than ever, custodians are incredibly deserving of recognition. As the pandemic continues to present challenges, it’s important to remember that custodians should be shown appreciation not just on National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day, but every day.

Showcasing your Support

Custodians continue to go above and beyond to protect the health and well-being of building occupants. Consider the following strategies for showing your appreciation for your custodians every day.

Provide opportunities for training.

Training is the backbone of successful cleaning programs. Whether you’re a building service contractor (BSC) or have an in-house team, providing training opportunities is a way to demonstrate your investment in your people. It supports employee health and enhances performance. Provide hands-on training with the products and technologies cleaning professionals will use to reduce safety risks and ensure consistent cleaning performance.

Invest in quality tools and equipment.

Employees will feel valued if they’re equipped with high-quality tools and equipment that helps them perform their jobs better. If equipment is outdated or poorly maintained, workers may feel that their role is not a priority, and this could impact cleaning results. Take a close look at your inventory and determine where improvements and investments can be made so that employees have all the essentials for efficient and effective cleaning.

Use safe and sustainable cleaning chemicals.

With custodians cleaning more frequently than ever, opting for cleaning chemicals without potentially toxic ingredients or fragrances may help reduce the risk of conditions like asthma, allergies, eye irritation and skin rashes. Install an on-site generation (OSG) system that creates safer solutions with water, salt and electricity, otherwise known as electrochemically activated solutions (ECAS). The cleaners and disinfectants are compatible, which avoids the possibility of employees mixing unsafe chemicals, and do not contain any fragrances, caustic preservatives or additives.

Offer leadership development and employee benefits.

Most employees want to know their employer cares about them and that their job has the potential to be a rewarding career. Providing educational courses that promote leadership development shows your employees you want to see them grow professionally within the organization. Many custodians are risking their lives each day without decent pay or benefits. Consider offering benefits such as healthcare and 401(k) options separately from leadership courses to attract and retain talent.

Leverage small gestures for a big impact.

Sometimes, the smallest gesture can go a long way. Consider giving your custodians a handwritten thank you note that highlights your favorite characteristics that they have and include a small gift card. Have managers monitor employees as they clean and continually provide positive feedback on their performance to build their confidence. You can also throw a small celebration featuring free food, team building activities and even awards to honor their hard work. Whether it’s a party or a physical gift, your custodian will feel appreciated that their employer considers their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Thank a Custodian Today

As custodians keep facilities in top shape, take time out of your day to show them you notice their hard work, whether it’s on Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day or any other day. While they’ve always been critical players in keeping facilities clean and safe, they’ve continued to transcend their responsibilities and go beyond their job descriptions during the pandemic. Showing appreciation in small ways, as well as implementing long-term positive changes can help cleaning professionals feel supported and minimize turnover.

At GSF USA, we care about clean and the people behind the clean. Contact us to learn more, and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more best practices.

GSF USA Uses Microfiber Mops for a Better Clean

Hinsdale Central High School is an approximately 500,000-square-foot facility that requires frequent floor care to look its best. To support the cleaning team on site, GSF USA implemented the Adaptable Flat Mop from Rubbermaid Commercial Products, which removes 99.7% or more of tested viruses and bacteria and is 70% lighter weight when fully soaked vs. a traditional string mop.

Download the full case study to learn more about the results: GSF Rubbermaid Case Study

Taking Carpet Care in Schools to New Heights


Valley View School District 365U in Romeoville, Illinois is comprised of approximately 24 buildings, serves over 16,000 K-12 students and employs 2,400 full-time faculty. Valley View School District works with a diverse population of students and faculty to foster a sense of inclusive learning and safety for all. Partnering with GSF USA, a global cleaning services company, helps Valley View keep their buildings clean and safe so students and teachers can focus on learning and teaching, all while staying healthy. Disinfected and sanitized buildings are key for keeping students and staff healthy all year long.

Matt Pawlowski is the Building Maintenance Repair Technician for the Valley View Administrative Building, where Whiz, an autonomous vacuum sweeper by ICE Robotics and SoftBank Robotics, is deployed. He says challenges for his team and the GSF cleaning team are “the added amounts of disinfecting and sanitizing that staff have taken on, with limited amounts of time.”

The Administrative Building is made up of 33 offices, six conference rooms, and four break rooms. There is a lot of vacuuming, disinfecting, sanitizing and cleaning that has to be done every day. Miguel Barajas is the Branch Manager for GSF at Valley View. He oversees GSF cleaning staff across the district and says, “the usual challenge is not enough time to do all the tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis.”

Carpet Care in Schools

Because GSF has seen success with Whiz at other locations, it led them to identify the Valley View Administrative Building as a perfect spot to deploy Whiz to handle soft surface cleaning. The autonomous vacuum sweeper uses an AI platform to deliver a higher quality, more efficient clean. Plus, it offers proof of performance that carpet care tasks are being completed.

The Administrative Building has over 8,000 square feet of cleanable carpet. Bringing on Whiz was the best way to meet demand and free up cleaning staff to focus on higher priority tasks. While following its routes, the robot avoids people and other obstacles like furniture. It cleans up to 15,000 square feet per charge and notifies operators when it is done operating.

Grant Mackall, Branch Manager at GSF says, “with Whiz we’re looking to automate the simplest of tasks and vacuuming big areas is a simple task that doesn’t require specialized skills. We are able to free up time for workers to focus on detailed tasks.”


Since adding Whiz to the cleaning team at Valley View Administrative Building, Matt Pawlowski has seen results and so have others using the building. With Whiz, detail work has improved, cubicles look cleaner and Pawlowski has noticed visibly cleaner glass–there aren’t any streaks and finger prints. This is because cleaning staff have been able to focus more on specialized tasks.

Miguel points out that, “before Whiz, we were vacuuming [the hallways and lobbies] two hours every night.” Since adding Whiz, the team has freed up 1.25 hours each night to focus on the detail work. That’s an extra 6.25 hours a week and 25 hours each month that can be spent on more specialized tasks to improve the overall clean. He adds, ”Whiz is helping us to achieve our goals by freeing time for our cleaners to be able to do other things and increase productivity, and we see better results.”

Download the case study: GSF USA and Whiz at Valley View School District_Case Study